Learning Finder

Atul Gawande

How Little Things Make A Big Difference: how increasing knowledge and specialisation led to increased complexity and lethal mistakes... until the checklist.

Morten T Hansen

This book is an excellent and highly researched follow up and companion to ‘Good to Great’ – this time focusing on employees rather than leaders.

Clive Lewis

Poor performance from a different perspective – toxic culture, rather than toxic people; but a toxic culture empowers toxic behaviour….

Kirsty Bashforth

The book takes you through the key stages of building and maintaining a corporate culture, and there are scores of case studies to provide examples.

Searching for a Van

One of my most embarrassing moments, professionally, and how through the empathy and support of those I let down, I learned some massive lessons…

Hearst Castle

An excellent and powerful example of reversal, how changing the relationship between guides and customers generates a unique, memorable and superb customer experience.

Courageous Love

A perfect example of blind spot feedback, and the difference it can make – where the feedback is given and received as a gift, rather than a criticism