Learning Finder

Arms Outstretched

Whether you do a task or not may depend less on its difficulty or content, and more on your motivation...

People on an Airfield

Clear priorities are one thing - but what if they conflict? A great example of the need to connect top level strategy with ground level decision making.

Just Being

Do you find it difficult to switch off? Do you even think it's possible...?

The Tea and the Stick

Two choices - both equally problematic. Which would you choose? A really good example of thinking outside the box, and challenging assumptions...
Most conversations become challenging due to three key factors. This video offers explanations of what they are, and how to manage them effectively

Top Ten Tips on...

Six key drivers, and four key inhibitors, that will determine how successfully motivated you are...and how you can support other's motivation
A short video offering a simple technique for saying no in a positive and helpful fashion...
The difference between these two mental states, in a short face to camera video.
A short video explaining and demonstrating metaprogrammes...
How can we consistently make a positive impression on others? This video shows you how...
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... and why allowing yourself to be swept along the urgent conveyor belt might not end so well.