
Courageous Love

A perfect example of blind spot feedback, and the difference it can make – where the feedback is given and received as a gift, rather than a criticism

People on an Airfield

Clear priorities are one thing - but what if they conflict? A great example of the need to connect top level strategy with ground level decision making.

Arm Folding

A brilliant yet simple way of emphasising how the key element in effective change is not about making the change, but embedding it...

Finding the Lever

Understanding someone's key motivation & drivers can convert repetitive failure to instant focus on what they want, not just what you want.

Just Being

Do you find it difficult to switch off? Do you even think it's possible...?

The Tea and the Stick

Two choices - both equally problematic. Which would you choose? A really good example of thinking outside the box, and challenging assumptions...

To Catch a Monkey

A metaphor for how failing to let go will keep you trapped - so don't let life make a monkey out of you...!

Arms Outstretched

Whether you do a task or not may depend less on its difficulty or content, and more on your motivation...

Ping Pong Ball

Everything is obvious with hindsight - it's having great foresight that matters. Also a good example of how many problems are in our head, rather than in the external world...

The Grand National

Waiting, especially for perfection, may mean nothing gets started - and therefore completed - at all...

The Blanket

The Values Agreement in action - and how values might be as important as skills in determining who might be a successful recruit...

The Barometer

Why creativity and invention may not be supported under some cultures - another example to support Sir Ken Robinson's case for 'Do Schools Kill Creativity'